We are Green Inspiration Academy, a K-8 charter school, with a strong history of academic success for our students. Not only are we the oldest and longest running charter school in all of Ohio, we are the highest performing school in the five-mile radius surrounding our Warrenville Heights area!
Along with our high caliber academics, we focus on health and wellness and a strong, personal partnership with our parent-teacher-student relationships. Another unique aspect of Green Inspiration Academy is our commitment to creating a stable and warm environment for all of our students. We work hard and we enjoy our time together. We share joy and stability at school everyday.
Throughout the school year we come together to celebrate our hard work in the classroom and to proudly recognize our history and contributions as African-Americans in this country.
Throughout the school year we host events like Fathers Walk, Black History Month and our annual Science Fair. The annual “Fathers Walk Your Child to School Day” brings out dozens of fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and other significant male caregivers who walk or drive their children to school. Sponsored by the Fatherhood Coalition, hundreds of fathers throughout the county take part in the event.
The Annual GIA Science Fair is a motivator and an opportunity to flex presentation skills. Our students explore hands-on experiments, seeing and testing what scientists and engineers do. Our GIA scholars also develop presentation skills and important social practices. As a staff, we are amazed and impressed every year by the GIA Science Fair, seeing the creativity and thought put into each student’s project. Our students look forward to the Science Fair challenge all year!
Black History Month is a special month elevating the rich history and contributions of African-Americans in this country. The month-long celebration annually reminds us how true leadership and “connection” excites and motivates student learning. Student essays about famous African-American leaders are often their best essays from punctuation to supporting the main idea and these essays are proudly displayed throughout the building! We often derive our best art work during Black History Month. Our hallways are crowded with incredible student art-work on display from African Art to the Jazz Era and on…into Space! It’s truly impressive. To top things off, we come together with family, soul food and singing at the Black History Month Celebration.
The Green Inspiration Academy is a free public charter school for grades K – 8 located in the Warrensville Heights area. Our program focuses on the importance of health and wellness, provides high-quality education to students, and aims to strengthen parent-teacher-student relationships every single day. Come grow with us at Green Inspiration Academy!