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We Will Help You Wherever You Are!

Apr 5, 2021 | General

Green Inspiration’s own April Hart, Executive Director, Principal Stevens and staff hold regular Zoom meetings to share with families their perceptions and challenges of the school year so far. And what a year it has been! 

You may not know that prior to joining Green Inspiration Academy in 2019 as Principal, Mrs. Stevens was the School Academic Coach from 2014-2016. She has been an educator since 1998 when she began her career teaching in Cleveland Public Schools. After eleven years, she made the shift to a Principal role at a charter school and has not looked back. She has worked on the management team for large charter school operators. We are so blessed to have her expertise in the building again. 

Watch the video or read on for some quick highlights. 

Our families have really shown their commitment to their children’s education during this trying time. We have such dedicated families –and we have enjoyed our long term parent relationships. They know how much we care and we will continue to reassure all families that every GIA child will be successful this year. Our phenomenal staff is on task and we all have your backs!

Families, students and staff have all had their patience tested. It’s a learning process for all of us. We are proud to announce that we now have laptops and tablets for every student and hotspots are available for those who need them. 

“We are all doing the best we can. Give us a call. We are willing to help you no matter where you are.” 

We are in this together and returning to school will have a new feel and a new pace!

Mental health is more important than ever. We are thrilled to utilize the services of Beech Brook Mental Health Center and Winston Consulting Group Licensed Social Workers. Students enjoy “brain breaks” to relax, do art work, play ball or just talk! Beech Brook also sends caregivers to the house for safe, socially distanced in-person appointments when needed. We all need to process where we are. Beech Brook is here to help. 

Food for thought inside our school. The goals for the 2021-22 year are straightforward: 

  • Safety first
  • Powerful lesson plans and classroom instruction
  • student interaction and cultural sensitivity 
  • community outreach
  • extended learning days spent on enrichment clubs and projects

Mrs. Stevens checks in on teacher and student interaction by joining Zoom calls, chatting with kids when online and answering their questions. She wants to keep art, PE and social learning as normal as possible. 

We will do whatever is needed for our scholars and families, now and always. From tutoring, 1:1 extra support, office hours to serving delicious meals. Our doors are always open. We give out our personal cell numbers so parents can reach out to us anytime. So please do give us a call or find us during office hours. Our doors are always open

About GIA

The Green Inspiration Academy is a free public charter school for grades K – 8 located in the Warrensville Heights area. Our program focuses on the importance of health and wellness, provides high-quality education to students, and aims to strengthen parent-teacher-student relationships every single day. Come grow with us at Green Inspiration Academy!